Saturday, May 11, 2013

Still Life

Certain moments in life remain even after they have long since passed, drifting in and out of the consciousness of every one of us like tattered fabric in the breeze, not tethered to anything but the wafts of time as it surges ever forward, churning constantly.

Some parts are still vivid, colorful images, almost real enough to reach out and touch, and all the rest is ground into dust, so disintegrated that it is rendered undetectable.

All of life is precious; every second is irreplaceable, but do we miss the tattered holes? Is there any way to rue the loss of what we can no longer realize was ever there? No... But, perhaps the gaps are what make what's left so pure and so visceral. It is only natural to add value to what is left when recognized that some is lost.

The true experience of life is not only gained from the present. The present merely holds the keys to unlocking the past. Music, scents, words... All of the world is the match which might serve to reignite experiences long extinguished in our minds. Things such as these may not exist in the physical realm only for a practical purpose. Purpose implies perception of it's use, and altering this perception in turn alters the purpose. Anything and everything around us has the potential to ignite something deep within the swirling ethereal din of fleeting, used up memories.

Raindrops falling from the sky, landing on the uncovered head, brings forth an image, a frayed still life tapestry of emotion woven in a time of pain as it slithers seamlessly into the past, down the same face in a time almost lost, and mingles with the tears of yesteryear, before dripping from the chin and onto the ground in the present, once again lost among its uncountable number of fellow droplets in the soil; each one so incredibly insignificant compared to its innumerable counterparts, and yet each so powerful that it could invoke such raw emotion in the unsuspecting bystander.

Our world is not just rock and soil and plants and animals and water. A hidden world lies just beneath the surface of everything there is and ever will be, just waiting to be discovered. Portals to other times and worlds hide in the most mundane of things, with infinite potential just waiting to be tapped.

There is nothing esoteric about it. This ability is free to all of us.

You need only be willing to see that it's there.

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